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Bartlett Head A Mysterious Ancient Sculpture

Bartlett Head: A Mysterious Ancient Sculpture

Unknown Artist, Praxitelean Style

Archaeologists have discovered a puzzling ancient sculpture known as the Bartlett Head, named after the collector who first acquired it. The artist responsible for its creation remains unknown, and its style resembles the works of Praxiteles, a renowned Greek sculptor from the 4th century BCE.

Goddess of Love and Beauty

The sculpture depicts the head of the goddess Aphrodite, the Greek embodiment of love, beauty, and fertility. This representation differs from the more formal, clothed depictions of Aphrodite commonly found during the Archaic period.

Double-Headed Janus

Intriguingly, the Bartlett Head shares similarities with double hermae, which feature two-headed gods akin to the Roman god Janus. These sculptures, dating back to the 1st century BCE, often paired gods or goddesses with symbolic attributes.

Valdivian Culture

Also on display is an anthropomorphic figurine from the Valdivian culture, which flourished in Ecuador from 4000 to 1500 BCE. This ancient artifact provides a glimpse into the religious practices and artistic traditions of an early South American civilization.
